7 Weeks to a Fresh Program

Are You Experiencing Any of These Symptoms?

  • Fatigue that doesn’t go away even with rest
  • Bloating, gas, or irregular bowel movements
  • Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
  • Constant stress or anxiety
  • Skin issues such as acne, dullness, or rashes
  • Low energy levels, even after a full night’s sleep
  • Brain fog or difficulty concentrating

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, they might be signs of toxic overload, sleep deprivation, or chronic stress. These issues can impact your health more than you realize, leading to long-term problems if not addressed. But don’t worry—we have a solution!


This program is designed to help you reset your body and mind over seven weeks. Each week, you’ll focus on a specific area of health, gradually building the foundation for long-term wellness. Through weekly lessons, assignments, live masterclasses, and actionable steps, you’ll cleanse your body, improve your gut health, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Week 1: Weight Loss Foundation (Clean Eating)
  2. Week 2: Boosting Digestion (Gut Health)
  3. Week 3: Detoxifying the Liver
  4. Week 4: Enhancing Sleep and Rest
  5. Week 5: Reducing Stress (Breathwork)
  6. Week 6: Embracing Movement (Exercise)
  7. Week 7: Rejuvenating the Body (Gut Balance)

How the Program Works:

Each week, you’ll focus on a different topic that is key to resetting your health. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Start date is September 15.  Participants are not required to attend the live Zoom sessions.  All recordings will be sent to all participants.  Members can start after the September 15th date and receive only the recordings.
  • Weekly 30-Minute Live Masterclass: Start each week with a 30-minute live presentation that covers the week’s topic in depth, sets expectations, and allows for reflection and Q&A. If you can’t attend live, all sessions are recorded for you to watch at your convenience.
  • A 7-Day FRESH START detox will kick off week 2!  This is all discussed upon registration and at our first meeting!
  • Weekly Lesson: At the beginning of each week, you’ll receive a detailed lesson on that week’s focus area, with practical advice on how to implement the concepts into your daily routine.
  • Weekly Assignment: Engage in an interactive assignment each week to deepen your understanding and apply what you’ve learned. Whether it’s practicing deep breathing, reading labels, or creating a meal plan, these assignments will help you make lasting changes.
  • Weekly Quiz: Test your knowledge with a short, fun quiz at the end of each week to reinforce the key takeaways.
  • Supplement Suggestions: Each week, you’ll receive a basic supplement recommendation to support your progress. There’s no obligation to purchase, but if you’re interested in a customized supplement plan, one is available with a 10% discount on all supplements.


Why Join the 7 Weeks to a FRESH START Program?

This program is ideal for anyone looking to:

  1. Detoxify and reset their body over a structured period
  2. Improve digestion and gut health
  3. Enhance sleep quality and overall rest
  4. Reduce stress and improve mental clarity
  5. Develop a sustainable exercise routine
  6. Learn effective techniques for managing stress
  7. Establish healthy habits that last

Whether you’re struggling with the symptoms listed above or simply want a structured reset, this program offers a powerful, holistic approach to achieving your health goals.

Special Offer:

  • Standard Price: $249
  • Member Price: $199
  • Infinity Plus Member Price: $169

Sign Up Today: Don’t miss the opportunity to join the first round starting October 15, where you’ll have access to weekly live sessions, personalized support, and the chance to transform your health over seven weeks.

Ready to Get Started?
Sign up now and take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced you in just seven weeks! 🌟


