Focus: Your Areas of Need

Find Your Functional Health Focus

Functional Medicine is a new approach to addressing complex medical problems. It is often described as ‘root cause medicine’ – as it searches for your unique reason for your symptoms, whatever they may be. Conventional medicine is disease-oriented, where treatment plans are formulated based on the diagnosis, and is the same for every person with that same diagnosis.  Functional Medicine is patient-oriented, taking into account the unique biochemical individuality of every patient. Utilizing cutting edge diagnostic tests,

Determine Your Area of Concern

Weight Loss & Detox

Understanding unique nutritional deficiencies and the optimal detoxification support needed for your body is a crucial aspect for optimal health and weight loss.

Balancing Hormones

Estrogen, testosterone, leptin, insulin and cortisol affect many aspects of your overall health. So when your hormones are out of whack, your life is out of whack!

Digestive Disorders

When bloating, gassiness, diarrhea or constipation become the nor, it’s time to investigate. Some physicians even declare that all diseases start in the gut!

Thyroid Health

Your thyroid has many important functions including keeping your metabolism running and in balance, controlling heart, muscle, and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance.

Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic condition characterized by consistently high blood sugar levels. With diabetes, the body either doesn’t make enough insulin or it can’t effectively utilize the insulin it produces.

Food Intolerances

With allergies, there is more than meets the eye. Our examination of your intolerances goes beyond food. We examine all chemicals, medications, and daily intolerances that may be bringing you symptoms.

Tired of Too Many Symptoms?

Find out what your hormonal and digestive scores are according to our experts – FREE!

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7 Weeks to a Fresh Program

This program is designed to help you reset your body and mind over seven weeks. Each week, you’ll focus on a specific area of health, gradually building the foundation for long-term wellness. Start your journey today!

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